The play begins with Molly, Jack and John discussing a kidnapping, with Molly reprimanded for striking their victim on the head with a brick. It is revealed that the victim is George Lucas and the group are hardcore Star Wars fans, who think Lucas has gotten out of control. Kat, John’s wife and a Star Trek fan, tries to talk the others into releasing Lucas.
- Each cast member had a different accent from the British Isles. Robert Gleinister with a London accent, Rachael Stirling using Scottish, Sophia Myles sporting Welsh, and Brendan with Irish (the range!).
- Typically for 24 hour plays, each of six writers will spend the night writing one ten minute play. By six o’clock on the next morning all scripts must be handed in and the writers will be dismissed. At seven o’clock the directors return to read all six plays and decide amongst themselves which play each will direct.
- The actors will arrive an hour later to learn who will make up their team for the rest of the day. Each team has until 7pm that evening to pull it all together. That’s when the public performance begins. The day will be filled with rehearsals, learning lines, scrambling for props and costumes, and anything else needed to make these brand new plays come to life in less than 24 total hours.

Character: John |
Playwright: Roy Williams (Brendan’s play only) |
Director: Steve Marmion (Brendan’s play only) |
Venue: Old Vic |
Additional Cast: Rachael Stirling, Robert Glenister, Sophia Myles |
Status: One-off performance on 13 November 2011 |