- Set in the sixties, Chief Inspector George Gently of Scotland Yard is an old-fashioned policeman who has gained respect but few friends through his single-minded pursuit of law-breakers and his disgust with the corruption in the police force. Aided by the ambitious young Detective Sergeant John Bacchus, Gently deploys a combination of reason, deduction and a somewhat jaded understanding of man’s nature to get his man.
- Inspector George Gently is adapted from the Inspector Gently novels written by Alan Hunter, but relocates him from Norfolk to Northumberland.
- Gently and Bacchus investigate the murder of a young woman whose body is found in a local church. They discover that the girl was waitress working at the first hostess club in Newcastle.

Character: Patrick Donovan |
Episodes: Series 2, Episode 2, Gently in the Night (10 May 2009) |
Writers: Alan Hunter, Peter Flannery |
Director: Daniel O’Hara |
Producer: Johann Knobel |
Production Company: British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Irish Film Board, Company Pictures, Element Pictures, The Government of Ireland |
Additional Cast: Martin Shaw, Lee Ingleby, Sian Breckin, Clare Calbraith |
Status: Available to purchase or rent |