Resources for this site came from IMDB, several Irish and British film, television, and theatre sites, Youtube, and cyberspace.
Additionally, I have received invaluable help from Vicky C, Deb Blackburne, Carmel Trela, and Petra. Thanks to each of them for their contributions to the effort of making this site the best it can be. Thanks to the multiple other fans who have assisted me in collecting works and information.
Also, a special thanks to Kelly, who has helped me in immeasurable ways from the very beginning. I appreciate all that she has done for me.
Finally, this is first time I’ve ever done anything like this. I’ve never before been a big enough fan of an actor to make a website about them, and I’m still not positive why I even did this one. There was just something about him and his work that touched me, made me laugh, made me cry. Go raibh maith agat, Brendan.
I have enjoyed taking on this hobby, and I hope other fans can find some use for this resource.